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Layoffs are yet another area where companies refuse to follow the science. Here's what the science says. 

- don't save money
- don't improve company performance
- don't increase stock pricess
- destroy trust
- have huge impacts on health, well-being, and income of employees

So why do layoffs? It's a network effect: execs lay people off because other companies are doing it

Stanford Biz School article:

Harvard Biz Review:

Reminder, it's always a good day to join your union.

Layoffs, rage 

I have entered the anger/rage phase of grief over #Google's #layoffs. Fucking disgusting that a company with $14B in annual profit and $100B of cash in the bank "had to" lay off 12,000 staff.

Why couldn't the top 100 exec earners take the pay cuts instead? No reason. Why couldn't they just eat the stock losses from the investors being unhappy about headcount? No reason.

Peak fucking capitalism at work. Fucking disgusting.

Anyone else on seeing a big shift in the daily mixes recently? They used to kinda have a genre(s) but now they seem to go all over the place :/ ?

As I often say: we need the best climate solutions to ALSO be the most affordable + the easiest, instead of the more expensive + difficult options they often are today. That's the only way we are going to see change at the scale needed to truly live sustainably on a round planet!

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The Press could easily re-claim the social distribution of their content by simply spinning up their own instances.

And if they were just *slightly* more ambitious, they would build their own social media software that integrates ActivityPub—customized for the needs of journalists.

Instead, they piss away their future by doubling down on Big Social.

Also as a fairly close parallel to the admin change that the law realistically reflects... I changed my legal surname (Wilson->Ockilson) and I (Scottish) had a MUCH simpler and quicker (despite COVID backlog adding 18 months) process getting my new birth certificate than Soph (my English wife) has had trying to make the same change on hers...

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UK politics, gender recognition 

Fatal miscalculation by central government in assuming there is a single soul in Scotland who hates trans people more than they hate the English.

UK governments block on OUR gender reform bill is shameful; as always vulnerable members of our community are being thrown under the bus. Targeting trans people's rights does nothing to stop abusive cis men from being trash

I get that the GOP likes to pretend that MLK's "I Have a Dream" speech is a call for colorblindness (it's not), citing the "content of their character" line, but here's a little secret:

If you're the type of person who feels the need to cling to that line, free from context, then the "content of your character" is pretty apparent, and it's not looking good for you.

Jan 31: #Mastodon How-To For Activists, Organizations & Movements

With hate speech taking over Twitter, many of us are tired of our vulnerability to the whims of corporate-owned social media. Join this free 2-part training run in collaboration with the @openrightsgroup. Basics to advanced topics including setting up a movement server. #HumanRights #RacialJustice #Politics #SocialJustice #ClimateChange #BLM #TwitterMigration #Introduction #IranRevolution #StandWithUkraine

I like to think about how people could easily leave shitty jobs, marriages, and locations if we had a universal basic income. I suppose that's exactly why conservatives hate the idea.

So far this year work is proving difficult... The work is easy, the problems are already solved but, working in a large Enterprise team, that is rarely the hard part. Communication and direction are MUCH harder than anything technical I've been asked to do for over 3 years and doing it badly makes even the simplest Engineering task a nightmare

I think my favorite use of emoji responses on Slack/Discord/etc is when someone just latches onto a particular word in a message and attaches its emoji, with no semantic content intended. E.g. someone'll say "Sorry, the bus is running late" and someone else will just slap a 🚌 on there to confirm that they did indeed notice and recognize the word "bus"

#caturday post of mickey - the bonobo cafe’s resident cat, to commemorate the closing of the best small vegan cafe in the world.

excellent food, staffed by excellent people.



We are a Hackerspace located in #Aberdeen in the Northeast of #Scotland

We are a shared space in the city for Hackers Makers and anyone interested in technology,

We hold our weekly #Openday every Tuesday, 7.30pm till late.

Come along and play, it is also advised to bring a laptop or project to work on.


Very busy today at Bonobo for their last day :( nice to bump into @EcoPunk and fam while we were there too, wishing all the staff the best over what I imagine will be a tough few weeks

In England, “booster shot” is spelled “borchestershire shot.”

Sad to hear bonobo is closing TOMORROW; was always a great cafe, lovely staff, nice wee local community and cracking food, real shame :(

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