After a day of heavy/important conversation with the yesterday it was nice to do some sewing at the sewcial club

If you are one of those people comfortable enough to initiate conversation with strangers feel free to say hi :p

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First time in person at the conference! It's nice being in a room with so many like minded folks. Now just gotta get over my post COVID social anxiety enough to talk to people 🤣

Weirdly productive day at the machine so far :o trousers just need some patch pockets and belt loops and they mainly fit... :o will need to take the legs up a little I think. Also yes I did put that shirt on just for the photo :p

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Made some time to do some ! Been nice to have a chill and managed to just about follow the pattern I have for some trousers (made from a bed sheet) It's not perfect but I understand the pattern a lot better now so mission accomplished 😁

Since I had my model back for the weekend, finally did some adjustments to this dress she's had or years to a) fix some holes in seams and b) take the waist in. It's now and fitting but theres still a bit of bagginess on the top of the chest/arm and not sure if just shoving in some tiny darts will make it look weird. (pointing at the bit where I need to remove some fabric)

My wife has moved down to Newcastle to start her PhD so up here on my own getting stuff sorted to sell. For all the folks who made "bachelor lifestyle" or "living off pot noodles" comments, I am determined to prove you wrong :p roasted pecans, sunflower seeds, pine nuts, cranberries and golden beetroot with 3 types of salad leaves, 4 types of micro leaves and the last of our garden tomatoes in a balsamic and pomegranate dressing

Picked this up at a market during the week, I'm a big fan of and and generally not a fan of so seemed like it'd be up my street :p it is very good

Just back from my first trip to / as Soph started her PhD. Have a feeling we'll like it there! Since I know no one down there; if you know of any communities for folks with an interest in the intersection of and , , ( not streaming), , lifestyle (already visited and it's AWESOME), or needing extra players for () let me know <3

Boosts appreciated so folks can find my teenie little instance :p

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Just back from my first trip to / as Soph started her PhD. Have a feeling we'll like it there! Since I know no one down there; if you know of any communities for folks with an interest in the intersection of and , , ( not streaming), , lifestyle (already visited and it's AWESOME), or needing extra players for () let me know <3

I know the tech industry is in shambles right now, but I'm officially dipped into my long term savings and only have a couple of months before we start dealing with how to pay the mortgage.

I'm a senior software engineer, primary language is Python. I've done web dev, game dev, internal corporate tooling and data pipelines. Been in industry since 2014.

Things I've done you might know:

PursuedPyBear (
Topps Star Wars Card Trader

Things you definitely haven't:

quoting and revenue tracking tools
Accounting systems
time cards
data analysis publishing tools
database query optimization in many flavors [MongoDB, Postgres, SQLServer, Athena/PrestoDB]
E-Commerce platforms

I'm pragmatic but opinionated on most things and my leadership philosophy is 100% letting people with the interest do the work, and improving code bases via code review, pairing, and regular refactoring.

If you've got a leads or a position, please send them my way.


"The only dangerous minority is the rich"
Sticker seen in New Orleans, Louisiana

Tech is NOT neutral nor apolitical…just a bunch of mediocre, unremarkable white tech dude who’re too lazy and ill-equipped to do the REAL WORK despite being lauded, as the most innovative, geniuses “of our generation”

It's weird, i don't think I've ever rooted for an English sports team before, first time for everything I guess :p

I'm also in the throws of and so gonna be a BUSY month... if anyone knows anyone in the North East (of England...) that's hiring (or remote jobs) in tech let me know, looking for somewhere fun to go!

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We're moving to in a month so Soph can start a PHD (cause she's clever like that). If anyone has any "local knowledge" for two folks who know almost nothing about the city aren't steamrolled too much would be appreciated :p

Since folk seem fairly active on here, looking for . Taking this down a size and the top fabric is doing some mega fraying, when doing the resizing should I use the lining or the top layer to get the fit right? Worried about handling things too much

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