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I need your help...

Every day I put out a post to encourage people to Toot about their lives. Mundane or interesting.

I do this is to keep the social aspect of Mastodon alive. It's easy to forget, in a world of niche content, all of the things that make us who we are.

When we share our lives, we can see ourselves in others. We can see what makes us different, and yet the same.

That's beautiful.

So PLEASE, if you see any of my boosts with #today in it, BOOST it.

Let's keep Mastodon social.

Hey there! We’re working on expanding activists’ use of Mastodon for movement-building. Can you help by boosting this toot about the free online trainings coming up with intermediate and advanced tips on ramping up on Mastodon?

Solidarity and best wishes for the New Year!


Had to show my ID to buy paracetamol; like I’m old enough to have kids who can buy paracetamol. I have plushies that are old enough to buy paracetamol.

Hello, Mastodon! Here is my obligatory introduction post for the new platform! My name is Michael. I am passionate about writing, reading and irritating my good friends! My content will largely be highlighting marginalized authors and teaching authors how to write more inclusively. Feel free to follow along for book recs and writing tips! #bookstodon #blackbookstodon #amwriting #indieauthors #writewithmichael #dybpublishing #bipocauthors #writersofmastodon

I sometimes hear people who are not even millionaires saying things like, “Just being a billionaire doesn’t make someone a bad person.” It absolutely makes them a bad person. One doesn’t just happen to accumulate a billion dollars because one has a great product or service. It happens because you exploit the fuck out of people and resources. You hoard profits for yourself rather than share them with the people who are actually making your products and providing your services.

It's a whole new year and since things are generally pretty bleak thought I'd share some things I'm looking forward to in 2023;
First it's NOW, the easiest month of the year to be so looking forward to trying some new things
I'm starting a & night class so I can a bit
in Aberdeen then some travelling for (Glasgow) and a first ever trip to the Netherlands (Groningen) to see

It's a whole new year and since things are generally pretty bleak thought I'd share some things I'm looking forward to in 2023;
First it's NOW, the easiest month of the year to be so looking forward to trying some new things
I'm starting a & night class so I can a bit
in Aberdeen then some travelling for (Glasgow) and a first ever trip to the Netherlands (Groningen) to see

Just gonna leave this here for anyone who’s ever said “I wanna try going vegan one day.” Why wait? #Veganuary starts tomorrow. Jump right in and give it a try. The water’s warm! 🐷✨

Had our leftovers today and tried a fancy sauce, "Pomegranate Bordelaise". "juicy marbles" joint, cut into fillets and roasted :)


✔️ I want boring things like public transit that comes so regularly I don't need to check a schedule.

✔️ I want fast passenger rail so accessible and easy it's preferable to suffering airports.

✔️ I want cities that aren't built around cars-as-default

✔️ I want the country to own it.

“Satire is meant to ridicule power. If you are laughing at people who are hurting, that’s not satire, it’s bullying.”
- Definitely not Sir Terry Pratchett.


Super frustrated with all the cheerleading over chatbots for search, so here's a thread of presentations of my work with Chirag Shah on why this is a bad idea. Follow threaded replies for:

media coverage
original paper
conference presentation

Please boost whichever (if any) speak to you.

It's very disheartening to see that in the space of a month, the majority of images on my feed went from being described to having not even one sentence as a description. I started ID-ing on tumblr but #Mastodon really encouraged me to make it an actual habit.

Please, if you're able to, add descriptions to the pics you post.

#Fediverse #TwitterMigration #Inclusivity #Ableism #Solidarity

As (some) folks start doing the "new years resolutions" stuff... if it's not already on your list maybe add "Join a union" ;) Specifically for tech workers in the UK should join us at <3

Thing I find tricky about mastodon is initiating conversation with randos; it seems fairly critical to getting the most out of things round here but for someone who struggles to instigate conversation with close family members/friends when they are not in the same room it feels fairly jarring. Folks find this weird since I'm fairly extrovert IRL and once the conversation is going there is often no shutting me up :/

writing malware that will infect a Kindle and replace all the books with ads for mexican beer. that's right, a novel corona virus

Gotta love tech journalists who describe Mastodon as "that impossible-to-use website." First of all, it's an app. C'mon. Second of all, aren't these the same people who write breathless explainers about the wonder of cryptocurrencies, which are not only impossible to understand but literally built from bullshit?

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