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Hi, we are BBC News Labs #introduction

We’re charged with driving innovation for BBC News. Our team of technologists and journalists explore how new tools and formats affect how news is found and reported.

You can find out more at and we’ll be posting here about our work

This account is part of an experiment from BBC R&D in establishing a BBC presence in the Fediverse.

Meat eaters jump to
"get off your high horse" very quickly when talking to . I think it's cause it's hard to eat a horse when someone is sat on it

I seem to struggle maintaining more than 1 "hobby" at a time so reading has taken a nose dive since I started more :( Guess I just need to work less lol

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There is no "overpopulation".
There is an "underdistribution".

That is a feature of Capitalism.
Creating unbearable conditions of inequality is the mechanism through which the Capitalism-ideologues brag of enticing or forcing people to labor for the further enrichment of the unproductive already rich into unusable opulence.
We have very many times the resources we need, just not where it is needed, because of Capitalism's inherently low efficiency.

Soph picked me up a copy of 's , I have never been big on (or writing in books generally...) but going to try and force myself into a routine for this :/ may need an :p

UK illegal migration bill 

Genuinely gutted at the lows our government can reach "in our name", the illegal migration bill is disgusting, immoral and probably illegal yet we plow on

Pls boost so I can show my wife how a toot can go round the world

(we are boarding a long haul flight and will be on the other side of the world when I turn my phone back on, so even with 0 boosts I think this will be a sound demonstration)

Promotion driven development and the idea of level appropriate work are the bane of big companies.

Once you get to a critical mass of senior people at a company, you start incentivizing complexity and redundancy because for those people to get promoted they need to show company-wide or organizational impact.

Why do you think Google has so many chat apps instead of everyone just working to make one or two of them great?

I finally got round to finishing off my first project! The shirt is "done", shoulders are a bit rough and some stray frayed bit on the paisley fabric (more delicate than I'd expected)

Last day before so doing some with for company. Shirt 1 is nearly there, it's a bit scrappy in places and needs buttons/hemming but hopefully be done in time for our sewing class "graduation" dinner next week! Record is downward spiral collab

Been a adf fan for aaaages and saw this in a wee record shop. One of my favourite albums from the last few years it's an epic blend of satire, political commentary and banging beats

Think it's fair to describe myself as sceptical when it comes to ai hype BUT ai DJ is something I can fully get behind. Basically jumps about between mixes/playlists I'd listen to anyway but I don't have to think bout it!

Noticing a lot of instance admins lately who are feeling pretty down.

Please remember that the vast majority of admins and moderators in this space do not do this work as a day job, nor as paid work. They have other projects and deadlines and bills and family and actual living plants. Please have the good grace to be patient with them 💜

*By which I mean do not abuse, harass, dox, threaten etc. Jeez.

I know people have elucidated greatly on why Zucc is bad, but I want to hone onto one specific event.

In 2010, Facebook entered then then-newly-opened country of Myanmar under their “Free Basics” programme. Zucc would underwrite the data costs of the mobile networks. In exchange? Well, Facebook would be ‘free’ for everyone to use in the country.

This had the (un)intended effect that everyone in Myanmar associated Facebook with the Internet.

Facebook, at this point, did not have a Burmese-speaking moderation team. They would not for a while. This is important to note. The Facebook algorithm started amplifying anti-Muslim content. Because that’s what people wanted to see in Myanmar. The military-backed civilian government even spread this content on Facebook. Because of this, such content spread far and wide.

It spread so fast that it catalysed a racial and ethnic genocide in Myanmar of this Muslim minority group. It took Zucc three years into the conflict to appoint a Burmese-speaking moderation team; by which point it was too late.

Facebook willingly, knowingly, and with only their bottom line at the forefront, accelerated one of the most devastating genocides in the world.

We should not give the “benefit of a doubt” to a war criminal.


"you are costing people their livelihood due to mistakes that you made."

No system that allows people to starve and die on the streets is worth bragging about, regardless of what you call it.

Sophs away for a few days so taking over the dining table for some Sunday Bit of practice with the new machine on a mock up shirt, might get round to the "nice fabric" some point this week :o

I love how so much of the AI debate is on things like:

* Will AI take people's jobs?
* Will AI destroy creativity?
* Will AI take over the world?
* Will AI be used to make people poorer?

And not:

* Will corporations that use AI get rid of people's jobs?
* Will corporations that use AI destroy creativity?
* Will corporations that use AI try to take over the world?
* Will corporations that use AI make people poorer?

Because these LLMs and machine learning systems and so forth aren't just wandering around randomly out there - they're owned by corporations. The corporations are the ones putting them to use. The executives that run those corporations are the ones making the decisions to pay people less, to increase their profits, to make creative people act as subeditors for LLMs.

It's the corporations, and the ethics-free systems that govern them, that cause these things. They're the ones pushing to have more AI.

The rest of us would be happy just having a bit more humanity in the world.

Picked up a copy of and it's just the right vibe for a Sunday morning of housework :p

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