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If you're hiring I know a bunch of folks looking for new roles, and , please get in touch and I can make intros :)

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Today has been tough, Indeed laid off 2200 employees, many of whom I worked closely with. We found out today during a global Q&A presentation with follow up emails telling us if we were "impacted" or not. Receiving my "you are not impacted" email has left a bad taste in my mouth as I see many of my colleagues shown the exit. Feeling some sort of weird survival guilt or something. I've been at places during layoffs before but this hit much harder and I'm fairly shook

does not like me singing, she is also not a huge fan of ... (She loves meeews though) It's hardly unsurprising she didn't appreciate my cover of "plugin baby"... "my flooofy baaaabyyyy" 🎶🎵🎶

always the same dudes who think "there is no clear incentive to run a community" if it's not solely about profits are those who think [any kind of relationships] are owed to them solely on the basis of having pretended to be a Nice Guy for 10 minutes.

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The thing about engaging in the delicious pilpul of the intelligence conundrum -- oh I feel it, I feel it, I'm an AI dork from way back -- is that it is an excellent distraction from seeing the extractive capitalism that has made and continues to make our lives -- our *privileged* lives -- bereft of meaning.

Oh, oh, let's debate Turing & Searle & Hofstadter & Minsky! Let's be angry, let's be slow, let's be open, let's be, let's be, let's be . . .

let's be not seeing the forest for the trees.

Watching the BBC morning segment on, essentially, "should rich people keep their wealth and party while the world burns"... Having shares and getting large dividend payments is NOT "working hard", we need to tax the living shit out of anyone who suggests trickle down economics works :/ Maybe ban wealth management companies while we're at it

“Millions paid in bonuses to UK Silicon Valley Bank staff days after rescue”

Fuck these people. Honestly what the fuck? I know SVB US also paid bonuses days (earlier than usual) before they were shut.

@MnemosyneSinger Agreed. To say what we're seeing is not Nazism just because not all of them are wearing Swastikas is like saying that it's only "Nazism" if it comes from the Bavaria region of Southern Germany, otherwise, it's just Sparkling Christofascism.

"Stop overusing the word Nazi"

No, you stop facilitating Nazism by pretending it's a phenomenon unique to 1930s Germany.

When you say shit like that you are downplaying the monstrous actions of Christofascists who are in power and copying directly from the Nazi playbook as we speak. You're basically saying "well sure they're bad but not as bad as Nazis."

That's you giving yourself an excuse to do nothing. That's you letting Nazism fly under the radar because "it can't happen here."

It is happening. And if you're waiting for people to be put in literal gas chambers before you are willing to call it what it is, you're gonna be way too late to stop it.

It was Rotten - Season 1 episode 3 "Garlic Breath", on Netflix, if you also want to feel sad while cooking

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Years ago I watched a documentary about garlic production in China; in short prisoners peel garlic by hand (till their finger nails fall off... Then they have to use teeth/feet) and it was (allegedly) then shipped across the world (including US) I have thought about this every time I've peeled garlic since and it won't stop :/

Enjoying my enforced day off with a morning playing in the garden with , reading through my volunteer induction stuff and getting some housework out the way (didn't really enjoy that bit) Means I have a mainly free afternoon 😬 Guess I'll do some reading and try and make a dent in my booklist

Watching the and I like the new first line for the English national anthem "god save our gracious qu-...-ing" 😂

@strandjs "Don't light yourself on fire to keep everyone else warm" was the adage relayed to me. Thanks for speaking out about this, John. Moreover, cheers for admitting that your perception was wrong in a public forum. Much respect.

This arrived yesterday, timing is perfect ;p excited to get stuck into it! Thanks @KimCrayton1 for getting it here safely 😊

I've long thought the perception of as socially liberal was overstated. campaign uses the left as a point of contrast between the UK government but having Kate Forbes run for leader, someone at the heart of the Scottish Government (4 years as minister, 8 as a MSP) who is so clearly , makes it clearer than ever that an independent Scotland wouldn't be the socialist utopia many seem to expect

If you see someone debating our right to exist? Don't join the debate! That legitimatizes the debate as worthy of discussion. You're not gonna convince them at this stage. Instead, shut it down.

Say: "We do not debate people's existence here."

Intolerance breaks the social pact of tolerating others. So stop tolerating the intolerant. They aren't worthy of it. Shut it down.

Bombard all news sites with intense consequences for posting this anti-trans evil. Make them pay for it. Shut it down.

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Came home to no running water, which is a little inconvenient

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